Sunday, November 28, 2010

Digital Journalism

The best way I know of to describe digital journalism is to explain the network that has been created for The Genesee County Chronicle.  A web page was set up to display the paper in a digital format. From there you can connect to the Chronicle blogs, face book, twitter, and endless links to corresponding web pages.   This allows for reporters to display their stories in more than one way, which in turn attracts readers from a variety of different digital locations.  Stories come and go wirelessly from a reporter’s personal hot spot to the palm of a reader’s hand instantly- no lag in communication.
 It used to be that reporters really had to work a lot harder to do their job; they would have to chase down leads and follow hunches in the hope that they could develop a good story. Google, YouTube, live video blogs, and podcasts have changed things. Now any yahoo with a cell phone can be considered a reporter. The stories that might have taken months to crack can now be found streaming the web moments after they happen. One could say that this is a great advancement in journalism and that a new age is upon us, but one could also point out how useless a degree in journalism would be if all the breaking news was covered by armatures. That’s why integrity will play a crucial part in the success of future reporters.  Since  professionals now have to contend with a scrutinizing and able- bodied public capable of reporting their own news, I am happy to say that there will be less and less room for the sensationalistic propaganda that has passed for news in the fairly recent past. These days people won’t stand for it and there quickly realizing they don’t have to.

1 comment:

  1. I like the concept of digital journalism. It helps communicate worldwide a person's ideas and thoughts. It also lets a person's name get out there and helps when trying to meet contacts. A lot of people bash facebook and twitter, but I think it is a great source for things such as this in order to get a name out there. Is it also a great personal way to keep in touch. When used appropriately, it is an amazing creation. New technology changes every job, but I think journalism will always have that personal touch that cannot be replaced.
