I’m turning my basement into a fortress. The cement block wall has been painted with a special paint that seals it from the inside out. I also put a special two part epoxy on the floor. It is nearly indestructible and it has the cool new flecks that match the wall rather well. After that was finished we scrubbed the ceiling with hard bristle brushes. The ceiling is made up of a several very large beams that are made of local hardwood. Some are maple and some are oak, but they are all now completely gunk free and hopefully they will stay that way. In case you don’t understand, this “gunk” I described was composed of a range of things from simple dust to paint to grease dating back I’m sure at least one hundred years. Not only are they gunk free but we decided to spray an anti mold spray that is completely organic. Now we’re going to try to de-tangle the electrical system. Most of it is new and ok, but there are a few that look like the paper covered kind and I want it gone if it’s not up to par. Next after that will be to fabricate and install steel shutters on the windows and to cement the door frame into place.
The reason for the big cleanup has a lot to do with the medical marijuana law that was recently passed. My brother and I got a phone number from a friend of a friend of a Dr. in Howell that was real sympathetic to medical needs of the average Joe. You know Mr. every man. Long story short me my brother and my mother all have the legal right to buy, sell and grow our own marijuana. We figured it was about time we started supporting our own needs. We have also become members of the local compassion club which is a place you can go to buy and sell up to two and a half ounces at a time. You can also buy a variety of clones so you can start your own garden. As soon as the basement is clean I intend to do exactly that. Most of the stuff that is going around is good but not as good as it could be. I hope to be one of the few who will start the proverbial slow but persistent clap for better medication. None of my friends have taken the time to see that Dr. and now he’s out of business so there completely discouraged. I told them that there were other Dr.’s that were even closer like in Otisville but they didn’t want to hear it. They just wanted me to get them some. i said no, I took the time and paid my money, so because I got off my ass, I’m legal and I’ll be dammed if I’m going to risk that so I can sell a bag. I never wanted to be a drug dealer, legal or otherwise.